
African Institute for Health Transformation/Sagam Patient - Centered Intelligent Health System


The AIHTSagam Innovative Medical Knowledge HUB (AIHTSagam HUB) is launching an innovative interactive Patient - Centered Intelligent Health System (PCIHS) for the African region.

An Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) will support health care providers and patient engagement with a focus on affordability, quality and improved health outcomes.

PCIHS will run on all mobile devices across all geographical locations, and provide patients and health care providers with real time 24/7 access to personalized and most current medical information within the most stringent security environment. PCIHS will offer intelligent tools to accommodate all communication modes.

PCIHS voice enabled tools will strongly support communication between healthcare providers and their patients, and all healthcare connected institutions.

PCIHS will empower patients to take more control of their own health and preventative measures.

PCIHS will guide and help patients manage and track their personal health records, prescriptions, lab results, appointments, follow up treatments, and medical expenses.

PCIHS will guide patients towards available medical services, vaccinations, wellness management, health improvement, and important related services.

These services will be deployed in real time via the AIHTSagam Innovative Medical Knowledge HUB.